Although we may wish it, most of the general population can’t spend thousands of dollars on a single top like the Kardashians can. Follow these 10 easy steps to be an efficient and fashionable shopper on a limited budget.
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![]() By Emily Lewis Although we may wish it, most of the general population can’t spend thousands of dollars on a single top like the Kardashians can. Follow these 10 easy steps to be an efficient and fashionable shopper on a limited budget. ![]() By Rachel Connell Six Flags St. Louis opened on March 25th for opening weekend. Visitors flooded through the box office to ride as many rides as possible. Even though the lines were long and busy, people still stood in lines at the Coaster Capital of Missouri to experience the set of g-forces each roller coaster has to offer. ![]() By Rachel Connell and Patricia Weatherly In celebration of National School Breakfast Week last week, we talked to students about their food preferences both in the cafeteria as well as outside of the school walls. ![]() By LeeAnna Linton When I was three, my little brother Trevor was born. I never knew that such a little difference would make such a big impact in my life and make me who I am today. I always knew Trevor was different, but I don’t see him as autistic. I see him as an energetic, caring, and happy boy who can always see the greatness in people and the world. Even when I am in a bad mood, he always knows how to cheer me up. ![]() By Emily Lewis Almost everyone has heard the old saying: “A dog is a man’s best friend.” However, any pet can become a best friend. Animals that were once considered to be exotic, such as lizards or snakes, are now becoming common household pets. ![]() By LeeAnna Linton Every student who has attended New Haven High School knows that it is special. From academics to athletics, New Haven has very high standards for all students and staff. New Haven High holds a tradition of excellence that most of us know and cherish. ![]() By Bethany Thomas Have you ever heard someone say that they regret recycling? Most would say that this question is ridiculous because there is no harm in recycling. There is no such thing as throwing things “away.” When you throw an item away, it must go somewhere. ![]() By Rachel Connell This year, many people are planning on extravagant trips. Some try to stay within the United States, while others want to expand their horizons and travel to another country. Many people throughout New Haven plan to have a nice vacation this year. ![]() By Bethany Thomas How is your generation different from your parents' and grandparents’ generations? Most people would say that the older you get, the wiser you become. ![]() By Rachel Connell Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. It is time to start contemplating gift ideas for your significant other. It is also time to start thinking about how you will spend your day. ![]() By Patricia Weatherly How many teens out in the world have dreamed of rolling into the school parking lot in their first car? Where do these teens get these cars? Some get their car as a gift, some get theirs online, some get theirs from individuals, and some get theirs from a dealership. ![]() By Rachel Connell What do you look forward to in 2016? Some people might answer that they look forward to their birthday in which they become another year older. Many students in high school are looking towards future years in which they obtain more freedom--such as getting a driver’s license or going to college. By Rachel Connell
A new year is right around the corner. This year is flying by quickly with no time to spare for Christmas shopping or gift wrapping. In a blink of an eye, school will be out, winter will begin, and Christmas will soon be over. But what comes after Christmas? New Year's Eve is a major social holiday for many people in the United States as the start of the new year. Many people hold parties at home or attend special celebrations to welcome the upcoming year. In many cities, large scale public events are held, such as the annual ball drop in Times Square. The ball is dropped at 11:59 and hits the ground at exactly midnight, which is a tradition that started in 1907. Although much of this celebration occurs the night before, the merrymaking typically continues into New Year's Day. Football is a common fixture on New Year's Day in America, especially the Rose Bowl game. According to Patricia Weatherly, junior at New Haven High School, “What I enjoy most about New Year's is the chance to take the past year's failures and turn them into next year's successes.” By Taylor Gillespie
December 22nd is New Haven’s last day of school before winter break, which ends on Monday, January 4th. Many students are excited to get their finals over with and start fresh next semester. The final week of school seems to be the most stressful for students because each of them is trying to get their grades up so they don’t have to take a final. Teachers, on the other hand, are more focused on preparing their kids for finals and setting them up to pass. Three days after Winter Break starts, it will be Christmas! Many people around the world anticipate this time of year. It is a time to gather around people you love and cherish while eating delicious foods and giving and receiving sentimental gifts. Many people exchange gifts, and some people even participate in secret Santa exchanges with friends and family. A fellow secret Santa, Madeline Fleer, said, “I am looking forward to hanging out with my friends and getting turnt with them...off of jolly good christmas feelings! Like: lip sync battle and gift exchange!” Not only are presents exciting; food is a very popular high theme of excitement as well. A fellow New Haven High Senior, Jonathan Stone, said, “I’m going to eat stuff. A lot of stuff.” ![]() By Patricia Weatherly Everybody in America is knowledgeable when it comes to the topic of Christmas. Families put up a tree, pass around presents, and eat food. However, I bet there are a few things you didn’t know! Even the Grinches and Scrooges may not know these ten unusual Christmas facts:
![]() By Lauren Bergner It’s that time of year again! The time of lights, reindeer, and holiday cheer! Christmas is back in town, and along with Christmas comes holiday traditions. Let’s see what the students of New Haven High have in store for their holiday seasons! Freshman Kamryn Poe says her family’s favorite part about Christmas is spending time with one another. “Every year, my family and I, on Christmas Eve, hang up ornaments we’ve made throughout the years. After that, we have a bake off,” she adds. “During Christmas everyone in my family gets together to sing Christmas carols and the little kids meet Santa. We enjoy yummy food and open presents from each member. All of my aunts, uncles, and cousins attend. In a small house filled with about 60 family members, we enjoy the holiday!” exclaims freshman Makenzie Munsinger. ![]() By Rachel Connell Halloween is just around the corner. It’s that time of the year where Halloween costumes become more elaborate and the best pieces of candy are received. The term “trick-or-treat” simply portrays modern Halloween, which consists of fewer ghosts and ghouls compared with previous years. Whether it’s making an intricate DIY costume or making the best pumpkin carving, most people enjoy celebrating Halloween in one way or another. While going out and trick-or-treating is a normal tradition celebrated by younger children and toddlers, some high school members still enjoy going out for trick-or-treating with intricate and unique costume designs. Spending a good amount of time on costume ideas is something Kimmy McDowell enjoys doing. “I love Halloween. Costume designing is the best part, actually,” Kimmy states. “I make an unnecessary effort to look either as cool or insane as possible. That and I make my own versions of characters that already exist or ones of my own creation, like the Ace of Spades I designed last year.” ![]() By LeeAnna Linton With Halloween quickly approaching, most of us are deciding what we should dress up as this season. There are so many ideas to choose from. Unfortunately, Halloween costumes are expensive and you can only wear them one night. However, there is a way around this problem: DIY costumes! Here are 45 Halloween ideas for women, children, and couples that you can recreate! Some ideas for women’s DIY costumes include Disney Princess, Celebrity, The Solar System (Buy a galaxy print dress and attach foam planets), The Travel Bug (attach a map to your clothes and create “antennas” with pipe cleaners), Darla from Finding Nemo (Buy a Rock ‘N Roll Girl shirt, wear some headgear and create a fake Nemo fish), Frosty the Snowman/Olaf (Wear white clothes and accessories to your likings), Elsa (wear a blue dress and style your hair into a side braid), Cat in the Hat (Wear a red and white striped hat with black clothes and a red bowtie), Cruella De Vil (wear a black dress, spray temporary dye in your hair, wear a white fur coat, and carry a cigarette holder), Greek Goddess (wear a white sheet and gold ribbon around your waist), Hippie Chick (wear a floral dress with a flower crown), Pinata (tape party streamers to your clothing and wear a party hat), Red Riding Hood (wear a black dress, red coat, and carry a basket), Alice in Wonderland (wear a full-skirted blue dress and a white apron and tie a ribbon in your hair), and a Scarecrow (wear a straw hat, flannel, and make straw lines on your face. ![]() By Patricia Weatherly Many of today’s adults went to high school in the 80s or 90s. If you ask any of them, they’ll probably say that their decade was the best time to be an teenager. The 80s was a gnarly time to remember. With trends like mullets, shoulder pads, and loafers, what’s not to love? Teens in the 80s watched music videos on MTV, used payphones, and carried boom boxes. Popular bands were Queen, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Twisted Sister, and more. 80s teenager, Niccole Vollertsen says “80s music had the best sound. It had a good beat and the lead singer actually sang.” The major technological advances of the time include the Macintosh computer and the VCR. Despite the fact that the common American family owned neither of these, they were still the talk of the time. Most people were still using typewriters then. ![]() By Nate Offard Scholarships and grants are a very important part of the education of many students. Every year, many students from all over the U.S. require scholarships to help cover their costs for college. Without scholarships and grants, many of these students would not be able to pay for or attend college. A scholarship is an award earned for academic achievements or other reasons that puts forth a payment for a student’s future or current education. The amount of money put forward varies greatly depending on the scholarship. ![]() By Patricia Weatherly According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, 31% of teens said that they felt overwhelmed with stress, 30% said they have felt depressed because of it, and 23% said they have skipped meals due to stress. In addition, 36% of people surveyed said that their stress has left them feeling tired. The stress of balancing time between work, school, and social activities can sometimes leave us feeling overworked, but there are ways to decrease the amount of stress. A lot of students from the senior class ended up going as a group to eat at The Old Spaghetti Factory in Chesterfield and decided to take pictures at the riverfront. The seniors did get kind of nervous, some said. “I wasn’t sure we were going to get there on time because of traffic,” said Beth Schenck. However, it ended up working out in the end. The seniors that ate at the spaghetti factory said it was phenomenal, although they wished the portions would have been bigger.A slightly smaller group of juniors decided to go eat at the Olive Garden and also to take pictures at the riverfront. Kathy Jasper took her date to her grandmother’s house to snap some pictures in front of a big tree. When asked if she was excited for prom, Kathy responded, “I am very excited for prom. Last year was fun, and I’m expecting this year to be just as great.” Kathy had her aunt paint her nails the Thursday before prom and had her hair appointment at 8. She also did her own makeup before dinner, which was at Olive Garden. Molly Munsinger had a hair appointment at 9 in the morning with Jill Kotthoff at Hair. After that, she went home to prepare herself for dinner and prom. Mackenzie Bauer got her sister, who is going to school for cosmetology, to do her hair and makeup. Drew Armfield invited a group to his farm, where they took pictures and ate before prom. Jennifer Alvarez got her nails done two days before prom and had a hair appointment set up at 10 a.m. Saturday morning. For pictures, she took her friends and boyfriend to the river. After pictures, Jenny invited her friends to her house for a potluck, thinking it would be cheaper than going out to eat. When asked if she was excited for prom, she responded,” I am ready to have a good time with friends.” Many students also took a lot of time to get ready for prom. Most girls responded with the classic, “Got my hair and nails done,” while most guys said, “Nothing.” Keven McDowell responded with an original answer, saying, “I took a shower and put on some sick threads.” Tim Pruessner took pictures at the river with a group of juniors because he “had no date.” Tim also took a party bus with a group of friends to the Olive Garden in Chesterfield. “Prom was pretty cool; the decorations were super unique.” Courtney Yowell said, “I got my nails done the day before prom and then got my hair and makeup done the day of prom.” The theme of prom was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. During coronation, seniors walked down the court or did their own little dance. After all seniors were announced, Willy Schejbal was announced prom king, and Beth Schenck was crowned prom queen. Overall, Students enjoyed prom, and the sophomores becoming juniors next year are looking forward to designing prom for the upcoming seniors. -by Alex Madden Prom was held Saturday, May 2nd, at New Haven High School. Students took a lot of time to prepare for prom and spent a lot of time deciding where they wanted to take pictures, where they were going to eat, and with whom they wanted to do all of these activities.
Prom for New Haven High School was Saturday, May 2nd. Many were thankful for the nice weather that allowed for decent picture taking. Although, according to Julie Moeckli, “I wasn’t the only one that got a little sun burnt that day.” After everyone was done taking individual and group photos, seniors and juniors separated and found different options for dinner before attending prom at 8:00 p.m.. A lot of the senior class had a party bus take them to Chesterfield to the Old Spaghetti Factory, while another party bus with mostly juniors went to Olive Garden. Others simply had a fun dinner with friends at home. “I really liked staying at home; it was actually set up really fancy for me and my friends, yet I could also relax,” stated Robbie Cichon.
Since everyone was split up in their different groups, there were different experiences for everyone before prom. One story came from Molly Munsinger. She stated that once they hit the freeway, traffic became a problem. “It was awkward and fun waving to everyone around us in traffic, but there was a little discomfort thinking that we may not make our reservations.” The juniors seemed to have smooth sailing to their dinner party, and of course, those being served at home were very comfortable. Finally, it was time for Prom to begin! People started trickling in a little after 8, and the juniors watched the seniors’ reactions to the prom theme they had used to decorate the gym--Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Senior Kenzy Vedder was excited for the theme, saying, “It was a great idea! I was hopeful that there would be a chocolate river.” Other seniors and juniors had similar thoughts. Hannah Kruse stated, “The lights were really pretty,” and Karissa Durbin said, “The juniors did a really good job with decorating this year.” With the gym doors open, the juniors created a tunnel illusion, so when the prom-goers entered, it was like being on the crazy ride from the movie, opening up into the land full of candy. There were refreshments off to the side, with punch, while the big tree from the movie filled the center of the room. Later that night, around 10:45, seniors were asked to gather in the cafeteria for the traditional “walking down,” as Maddie Fleer, Lauren Bergner, or Erin Scheer read the names and fun facts about each of the seniors. After all of them lined up in the front, the Prom King and Queen were announced. This year, Bethany Schenck was voted queen, and Willy Schejbal was crowned king. While there was a lot of cheering for our local royalty, there was also laughter for our cute crown bearer, Journie Buwalda. “The most memorable part of the night was Journie walking around in circles, instead of delivering the crown with Hunter,” stated big brother, Jon Stone. The seniors took their last dances on the gym floor, and one by one, students started leaving and going their separate ways. Hopefully, prom can be as successful next year as it was this year. -Tenille Duessler Mrs. Smith, the middle school social studies teacher at New Haven Middle School, gets all of her eighth grade students to write letters to themselves to read whenever they become seniors. Mrs. Smith first started doing this 18 years ago, her first year at New Haven. When asked why she does it, Mrs. Smith responded,”Eighth graders are on the verge of becoming young adults, and it’s interesting for them to see how they have changed as a person in a course of 4 years.”
How many people believe in good luck charms and superstitions? Well, as stated on gallop.com, one in four Americans are superstitious and believe in good luck charms. According to thefreedictionary.com, a good luck charm is defined as “something believed to bring good luck.” There are the good luck charms that everyone has heard of--a rabbits’ foot, a four leaf clover, or something that has special meaning for any reason. Powerforture.com goes a little deeper into the defintion of a good luck charm by defining it as "an object, which upon possession delivers a positive influence to the fortunes of a person, or set of persons."
December 2024
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