November 1, 2014, was a good day for Fire Fest 2014, especially with the dropping temperatures. It was forty-one degrees fahrenheit. Fire Fest has been on going for seven years, and this year was the coldest.
Have you ever decided that you just need a girls’ night out to go shopping? Do you spend numerous hours at stores trying on clothes and shoes? Well, for many girls, deciding what to buy can be a struggle. They need to pick out the perfect shoes for the perfect outfit, or vice versa, which could take up those numerous hours. Many girls like shopping for the reason that they can get creative with their outfits. They can either go to stores or shop online, such as on Polyvore, where you can create your own outfits and shoes and then buy the outfit once you have created it. Girls also like shopping because they always want to look their best for any occasion so they get “dolled up.”
When asked what kinds of clothes they like shopping for, who do they go shopping with, do you think your shopping is an obsession, how much do you spend, and what is your favorite store, this is what ladies at the New Haven High School had to say: Sophomore Emily Lewis commented, “I like shopping for clothes and I usually go shopping with my step sister when she comes home from college. I constantly have to go shopping because it’s my stress reliever, and I usually spend anywhere from $45 to $65. I love shopping at Wet Seal because that’s where I get my style inspiration from. Junior Emily Moreno exclaimed, “I like shopping for clothes and usually go shopping with my mom. I do think my shopping is an obsession and spend anywhere from $45 to $65. I love shopping at Kohls.” Junior Erin Scheer remarked, “My favorite things to shop for are clothes and sweaters. I usually go shopping with my mom, sister, or friends. I don’t think my shopping is an obsession because if I don’t have money for it, or should be saving money, I can restrain myself from buying it. When I do have money, I spend it on shoes. My favorite store to shop at is Charlotte Russe because they always have really cute clothes for whatever season we are in and usually have good clearance racks.” When the ladies from the New Haven High School aren’t busy with school, sports, or work, shopping is a way for them to have fun and relax at their favorite stores! -by Jenny Alvarez
The New Haven cross country team ran in the state championship meet this past weekend at Oak Hills Golf Course. The boys’ varsity team took home 4th place as a team, not letting any competition hold them back.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like working at the same place as the person you love? Here at New Haven High School, we have the perfect example: Mr. and Mrs. Hoener.
The leaves are turning colors, and the days are getting cool and crisp. The City of New Haven held its annual Fire Fest on Saturday, November 1st, in downtown New Haven, overlooking the riverfront. The New Haven High School cheerleaders participated in the festivities and held their yearly food stand fundraiser to help cover the cost of new uniforms, shoes, and warm-ups.
Tears, triumph and teamwork: these words describe New Haven Shamrocks volleyball this postseason. After Districts, the Shamrocks first challenge was sectionals, where they played Liberal. The Shamrocks hosted the sectional and quarterfinal games, so the team had their work cut out for them.
Students at New Haven High were a little unordinary on October 30, 2014. They were all dressed up to celebrate Halloween and to participate in the Halloween Costume Contest that was hosted by the FCCLA club.
The senior class, junior class, sophomore class, and the freshman class at New Haven High School were working against one another to win the first annual door decorating contest, sponsored by FBLA! Each class was competing to win not only spirit points, but also a piece of candy too.
The New Haven cross country team dominated the district meet in Bowling Green this past weekend. The boys and girls varsity teams both got first, and every runner medaled.
The Chemistry 2 class set up a show for the fourth graders at noon on October 29th, 2014. This included many demonstrations using science to wow the kids, such as carving a pumpkin using fire and summoning a pumpkin “spirit” with water. The host of the show was Willy Schejbal, who was under the name of Will X. Pyre. He started things off with some jokes to ease the kids into the demonstrations.
The seventh and eighth grade girls basketball teams did not let low numbers affect their performances this season. Since the seventh grade team only had four girls, one of the eighth grade girls would take turns playing down. The eighth grade team had just enough girls to start a game; seventh graders would also see playing time during the eighth grade games. This left little room for injuries and illnesses. Fortunately, the team did not have to deal with that, for everyone remained healthy.
October 27-29th at New Haven High School was Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week is an event that informs students about the dangers of doing drugs and the consequences that follow.
"We have red ribbon week to spread awareness of drugs and the bad things that will happen to you if you do drugs," commented Patricia Weatherly. “Red ribbon week is to inform people that drugs are bad and that we should say no." stated Zoie Mathis. It’s that time of year again! The days are becoming cool and crisp, leaves are changing colors and falling to the ground, and the New Haven High School FBLA chapter has been anxiously planning its drive-by raking event for this year. Drive-by raking was held on October 30 from 1:00-3:30 p.m. after the half day of school.
My role model for school and art is Mr. Alan Bell. Alan Bell is a retired art teacher from Washington, Missouri. Mr. Bell was born on October 19,1941, in Hunterland, New York. He was a very active kid in high school, playing soccer and hunting, along with loving to fish. His number one thing to do as a kid was play soccer. He loved soccer so much that he played it in college, and after college, he became a soccer coach for little kids.
As every town is, New Haven is passed by when people drive through on the highway. When this occurs, the town tries to provide eye-catching material and attractions that will draw attention and make people want to stop in to see it. In the case of New Haven, an initiative called the DREAM Initiative (Downtown Revitalization and Economic Assistance for Missouri) is being used to improve the town. New Haven isn’t the only town to be considered for this program. This project and its details can be found at
The main focus of this program is to fully utilize and edit the existing resources in the town already. The main changes are to happen in the downtown near the Missouri River. One of the main edits to be made is to make the one-way street in front of the stores a two-way street. This is to be done by clearing extra space by the railroad and expanding the street with that space. Another change is to the levee: this will include making the levee more aesthetically appealing and improved to maintain its certification as being up to date. The cost of the improvement alone is estimated to be up to 1 million dollars. A great point of interest of the DREAM Initiative is to create a downtown district that can produce sustainable revenue. It could produce anywhere from $2,000 to $45,000 each year. Some of the improvements could be eligible for payment through the CID ( credit card identification). Some of the places in downtown New Haven that are to be changed or improved are the front street by the railroad, Lion’s Club Property, town steps, downtown alley, and the riverwalk. Others include a sidewalk connection for the levee sidewalk, new trash cans placed at specific intervals, a better-developed boat dock, and general beautification of the some other parts of the downtown area. Part of the plan is to have the city and DNH (Downtown New Haven) discuss with Union Pacific about the possibility of making downtown a quiet zone so trains don’t disturb businesses and people living near the railroad. Other parts of the plan that pertain to the railroad are having the trains pass through slower and maybe having an Amtrak stop to help increase tourism. More changes include wayfinding signs, but this will only occur as the funds become available. Other renovations include space utilization at City Hall and the Police Department for a Public Works building. Other utilizations of space would be to use part of the Lions Club property as a recreational vehicle park. This is another way to increase tourism, and it has the potential to make the city money through reservation fees. A big change that has been discussed is the installation of a cellular tower in downtown New Haven for better reception there. This development is included in the plan because the bluff that overlooks downtown keeps the people and businesses there from receiving a good cellular signal. Since most people have one reason or another to use their cell phones, placing a cell tower there would take away the issue of people having no service in the downtown area. Putting a cellular tower might encourage the growth of existing businesses and new businesses in that area. The promotion of available buildings for new businesses is part twelve of the plan. The main backing of this part is that people take a survey about what else they would like to see in the city. The most common answer to this question is that people would like to see more in general. The city of New Haven was chosen to be part of the DREAM Initiative in 2009, and the developments started in 2010. Most of the funding for this project comes through a partnership of state agencies. Agencies that are involved are Missouri Development Finance Board (MDFB), Missouri Department of Economic Development (DED), and Missouri Housing Development Commision (MHDC). Since the funding of these changes is rather large, they are to take place over the course of a few years. The DREAM Initiative works with the populace of each town to try and come up with changes that the public likes and will support. Since the time that New Haven has been designated as a DREAM Initiative community, it has seen positive attention in newspaper articles and increased attention to downtown. This positive attention has increased the amount of funding that is being allocated to improve the town. As of now, the city of New Haven has been successful with acquiring $142,000 from the Missouri Development Finance Board. Gaining funds for this project isn’t the only step in the plan: others include gaining federal nonprofit status, establishing a board, and adopting by-laws. Since downtown New Haven is being changed, many organizations are taking an interest in what happens, so these organizations need a structure or are being changed themselves. To do this, each of the following organizations--City of New Haven, New Haven Chamber of Commerce, the New Haven Preservation Society, The Riverfront Cultural Society, The New haven German-American Club, and The New Haven Lions Club-- need to be reviewed so changes to them can be carried out in an organized manner. For this to happen, the area of development has been divided into sections depending on what the land is being used for. These areas include study area, single-family, multi-family, mixed use, commercial, retail, industrial, public/institutional, park/open space, and vacant lots. Most of the larger renovations will only pertain to the sections that aren’t family residences. Surveys were taken over the reasons people visit downtown New Haven. The majority of people surveyed said it was for outdoor recreation, but some other things are special events, shopping, dining, nightlife/entertainment, conducting business, government/post office, or other. Wayfinding for visitors is one of the biggest changes that has been brought up with this plan. Most people completely pass up the proper roads to take to get to downtown New Haven when they are traveling on Highway 100. Other people give up and go back to the highway because there are no signs specifying which way to go. This issue will be addressed simply by implementing signs that are both simple to read and aesthetically appealing. All of these changes will take place over the course of a few years. The actual time frame has a lot of variables that could change it, including weather, money, participation, and adjustments or additions to the plan. There will be many changes to this city, but whether they help to accomplish what is wanted from it will only be seen after the changes have taken place. -by Josh Thurman Rising up from the shavings on the concrete floor in wood shop, Mr. Aaron Peirick has taken his place as the new Physical Education teacher for New Haven High School.
With approximately 125 days left, the seniors are preparing to leave nest and fly off into the world. The senior class at New Haven High School has thirty-eight students. Compared to last year’s class, this bunch of students is a lot less. Even so, the class of 2015 has accomplished so much from academic awards to extra curricular activities, and as the year proceeds, they only hope to accomplish more.
December 2024