Fire Fest was held downtown New Haven all day November 1, 2014. Main Street was where the food, the school stands, and antique sales were. The school also contributes to the fire fest to sell their baked goods and sweet treats and good food. The student council sold cupcakes, cookies ,and pasta. The cheerleaders sold sweet treats and pasta as well to support both the New haven School District.
The pottery area is where Alan Bell and Kyle Luecke were all day. Mr. Bell said, “It’s cold, but stand by the kiln and you will be warm in no problem.”
Kyle Luecke worked two stands. He worked making pottery, and a new thing he tried was making popcorn the old fashion way, with a giant burner. Kyle Luecke said, “Working two stands was really fun. You get to work, meet new people, and try different things like making old-fashion popcorn.What happens in the back part of downtown is the burning man, which happened on the boat dock this year. It is usually on the sand bar, but it was flooded. Another event located in the back part of town was the burning ice house, which is a stack of ice, and they burn it with the fire inside. It looks pretty cool.”
LeeAnna Linton said, “It was very cool to watch the ice house burn. Since it was so cold this year, the fire made you feel very warm.The burning man also happened, which I thought was pretty cool. It was a statue of a scarecrow, and they light it on fire. Plus, this was the last Fire Fest for Mr. Bell, so he ended with the biggest Fire Fest he had over the years. This is only the seventh annual Fire Fest, and it will continue because people like old fashion things.”
No matter what the weather is, the fire will always win because the fire destroys the frozen temperatures outside. So if it’s cold on the day of Fire Fest, you can count on a fire being made in downtown New Haven.
-by Kyle Luecke