Many of today’s adults went to high school in the 80s or 90s. If you ask any of them, they’ll probably say that their decade was the best time to be an teenager.
The 80s was a gnarly time to remember. With trends like mullets, shoulder pads, and loafers, what’s not to love? Teens in the 80s watched music videos on MTV, used payphones, and carried boom boxes. Popular bands were Queen, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Twisted Sister, and more. 80s teenager, Niccole Vollertsen says “80s music had the best sound. It had a good beat and the lead singer actually sang.” The major technological advances of the time include the Macintosh computer and the VCR. Despite the fact that the common American family owned neither of these, they were still the talk of the time. Most people were still using typewriters then.
Some people pride themselves with being a 90s teen. Technology was advancing, movies were being made that are still remembered today, and the fashion was on point. Adolescents wore mood rings, ripped jeans, striped sweaters, bleached hair, and so much more. Some of the movies of this time were Jurassic Park, Home Alone, Titanic, and more.
Adolescents today spend a lot of time on their phones, while 90s kids were using a primitive form of text messages with pagers. All the cool kids had pagers, or more commonly called, beepers. Some teens were also lucky enough to use personal phone lines for privacy from their parents. Although cell phones were invented in the 70s, they weren’t popular until the mid-90s. Also, most teens weren’t as obsessed with the internet as adolescents are today. Who could blame them? The internet was slow because of the dial up internet access. Young person of the 90s, Timothy Weatherly, said, “Dial up was so bad that as soon as ‘high speed’ internet became available, we jumped on it. Sometimes I can still hear that horrible dial up sound.”
To conclude, adults have many reasons to feel nostalgia over these decades. Some say that the 80s and 90s were the last great decades. Perhaps teens today will someday feel the same nostalgia for their own decade.