By Rachel Connell and Patricia Weatherly
In celebration of National School Breakfast Week last week, we talked to students about their food preferences both in the cafeteria as well as outside of the school walls.
New Haven High School has an excellent staff of lunch ladies that serve a variety of foods. They are the nicest people you’ll meet, and they make some pretty rockin’ food, too!
Everyone has different opinions as to what foods should be served.
Senior, Emma Borcherding, gives her opinions as to what could be added to the school lunches: “My favorite food is fruit, so a big bowl of fresh fruit would be nice. For example, the cafeteria could serve fresh fruit such as strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, lemons, etc. on a big tray. It's healthy and good!"
According to Jared Horstmann, senior at NHHS, “A good thing to add to lunch would probably be country fried steak. Back when I was at R-II, they served it many times out of the month, and it was by far my favorite lunch. It is just as healthy as a piece of pizza or a chicken patty.”
Students have a lot of really good ideas as to what should be served at lunch to improve it and make it more appealing to some of the students who don’t eat lunch. But the overall lunch of the New Haven High School is certainly delicious.
When it comes to eating outside of school, many students have different opinions as to their favorite place to eat.
“I love China King,” Alison Long, junior, states. “I love Chinese food so much--I could practically marry it.”
According to Bobby Pruessner, “I love Olive Garden because they have the only good breadsticks, and I love the pasta, too!”
Stepping outside of boundaries is a good thing, especially when there’s so many different types of foods just waiting to be devoured.