How is your generation different from your parents' and grandparents’ generations?
Most people would say that the older you get, the wiser you become.
Unfortunately, there are more varieties of bullying now then there were in past generations. Partly due to bullying, there has been an increase in teen suicides. In the last 45 years, suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide.
Some would argue that individuals who play violent video games have decreased empathetic responses to real-life violence. This may be contributing to the increased crime and violence in our world today.
Pam Hacker, 54 year old mother and grandmother, admires the challenges teens have today. She said, “I think many young people today are left alone to find their own way. Because of this, big time suffering occurs for parents and their kids, and even though they face such tremendous difficulties in life, young people are an inspiration to me.”
While many people say that teenage years are the hardest years in a person’s life, some beg to differ.
Barry Thomas, 53 year old car salesman, reports that, “There are still days I wish I could go back to being a teenager.”
Technology has become such a major part of our world today. The average American spends about 10 hours and 45 minutes a day using some sort of technology. Because we have so much at our fingertips, teens today rarely memorize facts--it is easy to Google anything you need to know.
While some people believe that technology can build relationships if we use it in moderation, others believe too much of it can have a negative effect.
When Kelly Davis was younger, she lived without most technology that is used today. She shares her experiences as a teen without such technology.
She reported, “There were corded telephones, and we had to get long telephone cords in order to move from room to room. There was no call waiting, call forwarding, or caller ID. Our caller ID was listening to the answering machine to see who called.”
In summary, there are many differences between younger and older generations.
Things are constantly changing as our society evolves, but it is important to take advantage of what you have now and count your blessings.