By LeeAnna Linton
When I was three, my little brother Trevor was born. I never knew that such a little difference would make such a big impact in my life and make me who I am today.
I always knew Trevor was different, but I don’t see him as autistic. I see him as an energetic, caring, and happy boy who can always see the greatness in people and the world. Even when I am in a bad mood, he always knows how to cheer me up.
Trevor likes a lot of things, but grape soda, ceiling fans, and the song “Fireflies” by Owl City are his favorites. You can always find him listening to “Fireflies,” watching ceiling fans on YouTube, and asking someone for grape soda (Thanks Mr. Viehland!).
People always ask me how my life is with an autistic brother; that’s a really hard question because this is the only life I know. Yes, having an autistic sibling is difficult sometimes, but the little wonderful moments make all the bad times disappear. My favorite little moments occur when Trevor and I are watching a movie (probably Monsters Inc.) because he will prop his head on my back and just start giggling.
Believe me though, being Trevor’s big sister is not always a walk in the park. It’s wonderful most of the time, but he has bad days. I sometimes call him the “mini Hulk” because he can be disruptive and break everything in a few seconds of time.
Trevor has taught me many things that have made me a better person. I’ve learned compassion, responsibility, patience, and kindness. It definitely hasn’t been easy but I wouldn’t change it for the world. My life would be so basic and dull without my Trevor.
Venus Williams once said, “My first job is being a sister, and I take that very seriously.”
This is for you Trevor; I love you!