By LeeAnna Linton
February 15 through February 19, New Haven High celebrated homecoming with a spirit week. Each day there was a different theme, and each student who participated won spirit points for their class.
On Monday, PJ day, the freshmen won 37 points, the sophomores won 55, the juniors won 32, and the seniors won 65. PJ day was voted the best liked spirit day.
Senior Jenny Alvarez stated, “PJ day was my favorite day because there is nothing better than waking up in the morning and not having to think about what you are going to wear to school. Also, I just love pajamas and I wish it was pajama day everyday.”
On Tuesday, Twin/Group day, the freshmen won 25 points, the sophomores won 21, the juniors won 36, and the seniors won 55.
On Wednesday, Team day, the freshmen won 55 points, the sophomores won 64, the juniors won 63, and the seniors won 78.
On Thursday, Flannel day, the freshmen won 28 points, the sophomores won 26, the juniors won 64, and the seniors won 50. Flannel day was voted the the second best spirit day.
Senior Brooke Bockting pronounced, “Flannel day was my favorite because I have so many flannels, and you can wear whatever color you want. Flannel also show off a lot of character.”
On Friday, Green and White day, the freshmen won 59 points, the sophomores won 78, the juniors won 68, and the seniors won 78.
After all the spirit points, the seniors are currently in the lead. They are followed by the juniors, who are 5 points behind. The seniors are very excited about this, but other classes have some different opinions.
Sophomore Liz Hughes stated that the seniors winning wasn’t good, because it isn’t her class.
On the other hand, junior Noah Addison pronounced, “The seniors always seem to win but that's fine with me because it is their last year; hopefully everybody participates and we will win next year.”
NHHS had a great 2016 spirit week turn out; now it is on to see who will win the rest of the spirit points competitions!