Paige Adams, a reader of The Selection series, explained why the series is trending: “Most teenage girls still want to be a princess or queen, and with The Selection, readers get to live through the main character, who goes from being middle class to being a royal.”
Hannah Kruse believes that, “Any book that has a movie,” is currently trending. To back this up, Kenzy Vedder admires the lead actor in the Divergent film.
“First, Four (the main male character); secondly, its weird to think about the world in factions; it would be weird to live in them,” Mackenzy, a senior, offered as reasons she enjoys the series.
“The factions are intriguing because everyone wonders what faction they would be in,” senior Kayla Borcherding added.
In case you would like to jump in on the trend of reading these two series, here are some summaries from students who have read them. Junior Abby Perdue read The Selection last year and summarized it by saying, “The Selection is about this girl named America who was brought into the world after World War III. The United States isn’t the United States anymore; it’s more like a kingdom with different classes. She is in one of the lowest levels of the caste system. She finds her way up in the classes through what is called the Selection. The prince chooses his princess through this process. All of the girls chosen automatically get moved up in the classes. I’m not going to say anymore; I don’t want to spoil it!”
Emily Moreno explained the plot line of the Divergent series: “Well, it's about this girl who lived in a world where society was separated into five factions. One of the factions is Candor, which is the faction of the honest; another one is Abnegation, the faction of the selfless. Then there's Dauntless, the brave; Amity, the peaceful; and Erudite, the intelligent. When children reach the age of 16, they have to choose which faction they want to live in for the rest of their life. They might choose the faction that they already are living in, or they might choose something completely different. So this girl named Beatrice realizes that she wasn't as selfless as she was supposed to be when she was in Abnegation. So, in a panic, she chose Dauntless.”
Go check these books out! These are currently the most popular books at New Haven High.
-Abby Perdue