On Friday, April 29, the senior girls of the class of 2016 left New Haven High School to attend the Senior Tea held at the Central Hotel in downtown New Haven.
Every year there is a speaker that attends the event to tell the girls a little bit about their lives and how they got to be in the job/position they are in now, and sometimes they also speak about the workforce for women.
This year’s speaker was actually the Town and Country Women’s Club very own president, Sarah Bloch. Sarah is a nurse practitioner at the Mercy office here in New Haven. She lived in New Haven her whole life and says that she never once thought about going into the health field while she was growing up, or in high school, even though she worked at the New Haven Care Center for most of her high school career. Sarah wanted to be an accountant for most of her time in high school and for awhile when she was in college too.
She started off going to East Central College to get her general education classes out of the way. She then followed up her education at the University of Missouri St. Louis (UMSL) to take up her classes for accounting.
After her first semester of completing all of the accounting classes, she still thought that it was definitely what she wanted to do. Once her second semester started, she had harder classes, and she realized that it was most definitely not what she wanted to do at all. So she started back to the drawing board.
After a little while of thinking about what she really would like to do, she finally decided on healthcare and realized that she wanted to go into nursing. She continued her education for nursing at two other colleges, and finally earned the title of Nurse Practitioner. She first worked at an office in Hermann, Missouri for a while until a position opened up at the Mercy office in New Haven. She decided that she would love to work back in her hometown and care after people that she has known her whole life.
Sarah left the girls with some inspiring advice. She made sure the ladies knew that it is okay if they don’t know what they quite want to be yet, or what they want to go to college for, or even if they want to go to college or not. It takes time to really realize what you want sometimes. It’s also okay to think you know what you want to do and then completely change your plans for yourself.
Senior, Maddie Fleer said, “Sarah Bloch gave a very heartwarming and inspirational speech because she kind of touched base on how this was the last time we’d all be together, and she also made it clear to us that we don’t have to have our lives figured out right now, and that was really nice. It made me a little emotional if I’m being honest.”
Erin Scheer also said, “The Town and Country Women’s Club did a very good job putting this all together, and the food was delicious! I thought Sarah’s advice was awesome because I definitely don’t always know what I’m going to do with my life, so it made me feel better that she said that that was normal.”
All of the senior girls seemed to love the experience. They all took something great away with them when they walked out of the doors of the Central Hotel that day.
On behalf of the senior girls, thank you to the Town and Country Women’s Club for setting up this amazing experience for us. Also, a big thanks to Sarah Bloch for sharing your inspiring story with all of us. We will all hold your advice with us throughout these last few months before we venture off onto our separate paths.