New Haven High has been getting air conditioning installed over the summer. Even though it was started this summer, the construction has not been completed. Mr. Hoener was interviewed about the installation of the air conditioning, where the funding came from, and what were the goals of the air conditioning. Some students were also asked a few questions about how they feel about the school turning cool. The first rooms that got the units installed where the ones with window units from before. He said that the installers worked inside until the last week of July and got as far as the classrooms look now. A student from every class was questioned on how they feel about the air conditioning. When Blake Gale (Freshman) was asked what he likes about the A/C, he said, “It’s cool.” He also said that he likes everything about it. Noah Addison (Sophomore) and Mackenzy Vedder (Senior) both had the same idea about what they don’t like about it. They said that they didn’t like that it’s not installed in every room yet. Emma Borcherding (Junior) and Noah Addison (Sophomore) also agreed that Mr. Prussener’s room is one of the warmest during the day. “The Library, that’s the only one I bring a jacket to,” Makenzy said after she’d been asked which of the rooms is the coldest. She also enjoys being able to bring a jacket, but she doesn’t like that there are other teachers using the library during her study hall due to the teachers’ classroom being too hot. Some of the students are enjoying this new transition, while others are hoping for it to be done sooner. Mr. Hoener would like to achieve a main goal. The air conditioning will make learning easier. When all four of these students were asked, they all said the same thing, “Yes.” This goal has already been met. Once the rest of the units are in, the whole school will be cool and ready to focus on learning in a more comfortable temperature. -by Abby Perdue
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December 2024