When you are in high school, transportation is a big deal. Whether you ride the bus, drive your own car, or walk, students must find a way to make it to school. For some, it is not a problem getting to school. For others, it all depends on the situation.
While many students take it for granted, having a car is a blessing. For some, owning a car means having more freedom. On the other hand, there are many ways around getting a car.
Emily Lewis also agrees that she isn’t ready to drive a car to school just yet. “Driving is definitely not my strong suit. Once during cross-country season, I was headed to Dollar General and I was out in my own little world. I only had my permit so my mom was in the passenger seat with my little sister in the backseat. I pulled out onto the highway and I started driving on the left side! I haven't driven much since then."
Meanwhile, Patricia Weatherly walks to school. She says, “Walking is so much better than riding the bus. Buses are loud, smelly, and crowded."
Rather than walking or getting a ride to school, LeeAnna Linton drives her own car. She says, “I like driving to school because I can leave my house whenever I want. I don’t have to worry about making it to the bus stop on time. Although I don’t like the parking at school because the spots are always taken.”
There are pro’s and con’s when it comes to driving to school, walking to school, or riding the bus. No matter which option you choose, make sure you are at school by 8:00 AM.