Junior Stephanie Russo said her biggest fear is spiders because “they can come in different sizes and colors, and they can hide in almost everything. They just pop out of nowhere and scare you, and if you don't keep your eyes on it, and they move and you don't see it anymore, you'll panic and leave that room for a day.” Furthermore, junior Jenny Alvarez stated that spiders are her biggest fear because they just look disgusting
Sophomore Emily Lewis is scared of Johnny Depp; she says, “He’s just a really creepy actor.”
Sophomore Brady Kruse mentioned being scared of snakes but has no idea why. Also, freshman Hannah White is afraid of snakes because they are just scary.
Freshman Emma Engelbrecht said that drowning or burning are her biggest fears because you are slowly dying and you know that you’re going to die. Junior Abby Perdue she had said that one of her biggest fears would have to be drowning also. She said it scares her because of how slow and engulfing it is.
Whether it is snakes, spiders, drowning, or burning, students at NHHS have many fears. What’s yours?
-by Tim Pruessner