Every year, the New Haven High School Student Council organizes a Veterans Day breakfast in the school’s cafeteria and all of the local veterans are invited to attend. This year the breakfast was held on Wednesday, November 11th at 7 am.
Members of the student council made all of the food that morning and also helped with serving coffee and other beverages. Members also decorated the cafeteria the previous night. One member of student council, junior Emily Lewis, even put together a video for the veterans to watch.
This year, many interviews were conducted with various veterans. A group of men were all sitting together talking about old memories and they answered a few questions. These veterans were asked whether they had ever attended the breakfast event before. Three of the four men said that they have been before, but the other man said that this was his first year attending.
It was also mentioned that the veterans enjoyed talking to fellow veterans that they have never met before and sharing similar stories. New Haven’s police chief, John Wayne Scheible, stated, “It’s nice to come here and talk with people I’ve never met before. Especially with there not being too many World War II veterans left. It’s nice to meet more people from there to compare stories.”
As stated before, the veterans really emphasized their appreciation for the breakfast experience that the school sets up for them. New Haven High wants to stress how much it means to us that these veterans served for our country. Thank you for all of your service!