These different designs of leggings are making it possible for women in different areas to explore new styles and different materials. According to Alexander McQueen, “It’s a new era in fashion. There are no rules.” Because of today’s leggings’ youthful fashion and their daring new styles, they have become a very popular, very well-known trend with not only teenage girls, but with women too.
In the end, women that do wear leggings often consider their body style. When it comes to how it may look and what it will look like in certain things, students here at NHHS tend to have their own opinion on how they look, “I don’t think it matters. I mean, I dont judge people on what they wear, so If they want to wear leggings, go ahead. So girls that like how they [leggings] look on them, they can wear leggings If they like it,” junior Sharon Brewster stated.
“For most women, they don’t care. If they are comfortable, that is all that matters.” freshman MacKenzie Bauer said, “I think if they want to, they should be able to without being judged.”
When it comes to the fashion of today, leggings are a very popular trend in today’s society. From big shirts to that dress in the closet that is just too short, leggings are the newest fashion of our generation, and they just may stay popular for generations to come.
-by Zoie Mathis