Colter James Wilson is a junior at New Haven High School. His birthday is August 23, 1998, and he is 17 years old. He is the son of Dennis and Sharon Wilson, and he has one brother, Christopher, who is twelve and in Ms. Unnerstall’s sixth grade class.
Colter is a volunteer junior firefighter for New Haven-Berger and is also a athletic manager for volleyball, girls’ basketball, and track.
Colter became a volleyball manager because Mrs. Hoener requested him, he became a girls’ manager because NHHS alum Beth Schenck told him a managing spot was open, and he became a track manager because he really loves hanging out with his friends and the other NHHS track managers.
In his free time, Colter likes to go to the farm to work on the tractors and clean up around the property. Also, he likes going to the firehouse to clean the fire trucks and hang out with the other volunteers.
During the summer, he likes to attend the Washington Junior Fire Academy and spend time at the Lake of the Ozarks with his family.
Colter has been a junior firefighter for more than a year, and he has loved every minute of it.
When asked why he joined the fire department, he pronounced, “I have been around the fire service since I was a small kid and loved every bit of it. I love being able to help people in their time of need. We are there to make someone's bad day a little better.”
Colter’s future plans are to graduate from New Haven High School in 2017 and then to attend a college to get a degree in Fire Science. He eventually plans to get a job in Missouri as a Firefighter Paramedic.
If that wasn’t enough information about Colter, here are a few of his favorite things: his favorite shows are Big Brother and Chicago Fire, favorite soda is Sundrop, favorite food is cheeseburgers, favorite class this year is Business Tech with Mrs. Strickland, and his favorite movie is Ladder 49.
Congratulations Colter for being awarded “Junior Firefighter of the Year.”
Junior Firefighter Noah Addison stated,”Colter is an active member who attends fire calls and put forth his best effort while helping out other firefighters at the scene.”
Also, Junior Firefighter Micheal Skirvin pronounced, “Colter is always up at the firehouse helping out by washing the fire truck, and he works hard in and out of the firehouse. He is very caring and will always help people in need. I look forward to working with Colter for more years to come.”
If you see Colter Wilson in the hallway, make sure you thank him for volunteering his time and safety to help the people of New Haven.