As everyone knows, the New Haven seniors have had a lot to reflect on these past few weeks. Since it’s their last year here in this school, people are wondering what these future alumni are planning to pursue.
Here is how a few of New Haven High School seniors feel about graduating. LeeAnna Linton said, “I am very reluctant to graduate, but I am also extremely excited to start a new chapter in my life and get an entirely new life experience. My mom always tells me that for new memories to be created, you have to start new chapters in life, but once things are over, I will be grateful for the memories I’ve experienced. This became super surreal my senior year.”
Patricia Weatherly adds, “The thought of graduation puzzles me for some reason. Like, I always knew it would happen but now that it is closing in, it doesn't seem real. I remember when I was going into middle school I thought I was ready to take on the world. I thought I was ready to be an adult, but now that I'm 18 I know that I'm not ready and never will be ready. However, I have to plunge right in despite my doubts.”
When Lucy Roth was asked what her plans were after college, her response was, “I hope to go to college, I'm just not quite sure which one yet. I want to study Human Development and then go into social work. My dream job honestly is to do what Randy Nadler does. I love travelling and doing it for a job would be so cool!”
After high school, many people ask, what’s the one thing you miss about high school? Logan Huff said that he would miss his friends and how close the students were to the teachers. Lucy Roth and LeeAnna Linton added that they would miss the close-knit community.
Other seniors will soon be graduating as well, and a few had things to say to the underclassmen. Logan Huff said, “I know underclassmen will hear this over and over again, but get involved. I didn't plan on participating in track or FCA but I am glad I did. They opened up opportunities to me that most kids will never get. Be involved.”
In response to the same question, Patricia had this to say: “Don't waste these four years. Cherish them because afterward the only thing to look forward to is work, college, taxes, and the crushing weight of adult responsibility.”
LeeAnna had this advice: “A note to underclassmen, your high school career goes by fast. High school is four years of many laughs, hardships, struggles, and most importantly, memories. Get involved-- it is where you will make new friends and discover new talents. Don't take these years for granted, because sooner rather than later, it will all be over and you will be graduating from NHHS, entering the real world. I can't believe how fast high school has flown by.”