Before arriving in New York we stopped in Philadelphia to see Independence Hall, and of course you can’t go to Philly without eating a cheesesteak! We then got back on the bus and made our way to New York. Before our our first stop at Top of the Rock, we took a nice stroll through Central Park. After Top of the Rock...

Day 6 - Thursday April 23, 2015
Good Morning New York City! Some of us woke up bright and early this morning and made our way down the street to the Today Show, while others took advantage of the few extra hours of sleep. After the Today Show, we met our tour guide around eight and she led us to the subway, which we all rode to Lower Manhattan. Once there, we got on the ferry, which took us to see the Statue of Liberty. Afterward, we arrived back in Lower Manhattan where our tour guide lead us through the city where we saw 9/11 waterfalls, the elven tears, the New York Stock Exchange, and Chinatown. After Chinatown we parted our ways. Mr. Tucker took one group to see Madison Square Garden, Mr. Hoener took a group to the Metropolotan Museum of Art, and Mrs. Oelrichs and Ms. Allen took a group to the 9/11 Museum. Once the groups were finished they got back on the subway and returned to the hotel where they had free time to take a nap or hit up Times Square again. At around nine o’clock we met in the lobby and walked to the the Empire State Building. The view from the top at night was incredible. It looked as if you were standing with the stars under your feet. Once we were finished, Mr. Hoener led us back to Times Square where some people stayed and other returned to the hotel exhausted from the exciting day.
Day 7 - Friday April 24, 2015
Look out New Haven were coming back! This morning we pulled out of New York around seven and began making our way home! Stops were limited today. We stopped at Gettysburg to view the battlefield and had a history lesson from Mr. Tucker. After that we grabbed a bite to eat and jumped back on the bus. We pulled into the hotel in Ohio around 8:30, dropped our stuff off, and hurried out the door eager to eat some dinner! After dinner we returned to the hotel ready to fall asleep! Tomorrow we will have eight hours on the road!
Day 8 - Saturday April 25, 2015
Are we there yet!? This morning we left the hotel around seven exhausted yet excited to jump on the bus and drive the eight hours we have left. We are set to arrive at New Haven around two o’clock this afternoon. The last week was filled with smiles, laughs -- and most importantly -- memories that will last us all a lifetime. But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end.
-by Molly Munsinger