Fay Colter, Joyce Svancara, Carol Fleer, Robert Fleer, Donald Scheer, Amanda Yates, Charles Sharpe, Donald Pohlmann, John Peirick, Mary Damschroeder, Madeline Gottemoeller, Terrance Marquart, Carol Robinson, Alice Power, Virgil Wolfe, Richard Scheer, John Covington, Sally Ruegge, Richard Ruegge, Kevin Menke, Blair Bowers, Kathleen Laune, Timothy McDonald, Nancy Shockley, Megan Shockley, Delores Kleindienst, Jarold Kleindienst, Larry Scheer, Alan Bell, Mark Derby, Scott Buchheit, Bernard Laune, James Beckmann, Eileen Roth, Robert Bratcher, Angie Kormeier, Mark Willimann, Richard Conner, Paula Pruessner, Jerry Pruessner, John Steiner, Kirsty Buchheit, Colleen Kuhn, Gary Menke, Daniel Kreftmeyer, Mona Strobel, Ronald McDonald, Debra Winters, Lois Mueller, Robert Mueller, Charlotte Bratcher, Sarah Gleeson, and John Penning.
You have saved 153 lives through your generous and thoughtful gift of blood.