The application includes six parts, five of which are considered in the application process. The other and first section is the candidates’ personal information. In order to be considered for membership in NHS, applicants, must fill out each of these sections.
The second category is Scholarship. There are two parts of this category. First of all, there is an area to list any weighted classes applicants are currently in or took during a previous school year.
Next, applicants had to list all of the quarters they have been on honor roll or high honor roll.
The fourth section is Activities/Organization: School. This is where applicants should include any school activities they take part in. Whether it’s basketball, track, FBLA, FCCLA, or any other school organization, candidates should list it. Also, applicants should explain their role in the activity.
After that, it’s time to list those community organizations: church youth group, 4H, club teams, Boy or Girl Scouts, etc.
Then comes volunteer work. If applicants have helped out tutoring younger kids or helped coach a kids sports team or other volunteer activities, they can write about those experiences here.
The last category on the application is Awards and Recognition. Here is where to list perfect attendance, varsity letters, Presidential Fitness award, etc.
The students who applied had a variety of reactions to the process: Applicant Abby Perdue explained, “ I think the application was easy to fill out, but I did have questions about the leadership roles;, I wasn’t sure what qualified as a leadership role in certain clubs and sports.”
Brooke Reed said, “I think the application was simple.”
Lastly, Anna Miller stated, “It covered all important clubs and achievements. I think it is a good way of seeing who should get accepted.”
After the applications are turned in, it is time for Mrs. Oelrichs and a committee of other teachers to go over the applications and discuss who they think should become an NHS member this year. They will discuss what the candidates put on the application and the candidates’ behavior at school: are they a leader at school? Do they volunteer to answer questions? Do they help other students? If so, that’s beneficial when applying to National Honor Society. Also, applicants will be evaluated by at least ten teachers and/or coaches. Mrs. Oelrichs said that she especially looks to see that an applicant is getting good grades, is involved in school activities, and does volunteer work.
Any candidates that are accepted into NHS will be inducted on March 18th.
-by Risa Allen