Other than simply being a spring break, what does Easter really mean to New Haven? This year Easter fell on Sunday, April 16th.
Mr. Hagedorn stated, “Easter means getting together with family. We eat two meals. One is with my dad's side of the family and the other is with my mom's side of the family. Easter was spent this year showing off our new daughter, Payton.”
Mrs. Borcherding also replied with, “It was Freddie's first real opportunity to hunt for eggs since he was just a baby last year. He was pretty excited to open eggs and find candy falling out.”
She continued: “Every year we have a lamb cake at my family's Easter Celebration. I've inherited the lamb cake mold and made a lemon pound cake with meringue frosting and lemon curd. However, something always seems to go terribly wrong with the lamb. This year I accidentally dropped a book on his head as I was loading him into the back of my car.”
Mr. Witthaus stated, “Over Easter break, I went to my Grandma's for lunch. I did some yard work and continued to fix up my downstairs bathroom. I didn't do anything that exciting. The most exciting thing I did was play ‘Halo’ with some buddies from high school and college. We usually just have a family lunch/dinner.”
Jacob Wilson said, “Easter to me means being able to spend time with my family, and to see relatives I rarely see.”
Ethan Groner stated, “My Easter break went well, but it also went by too fast in my opinion. I just went to my two family gatherings: my grandma's and my great aunt’s.”