College can be a very tough decision for high school students to make. With so many options and interesting career fields, making a decision for college can be a bit overwhelming. Luckily, New Haven High students are given the opportunity to attend a college fair at East Central College. The students visited the college fair on Monday, September 17.
Some colleges that students could visit with were University of Missouri, Mississippi State University, East Central College, Drury University, St. Louis University, Western Illinois University, Truman, and many more. The students who attended the college fair were asked if they felt like the fair offered a wide variety of choices of colleges, and they all said yes.
Doug Peirick, the counselor and chaperone for New Haven and the chaperone for the college fair, was asked the same question, and he stated, “Yes, there were over 80 colleges and universities represented.”
With such a wide variety of colleges and universities offered, many students said they were able to talk to their top choices for college. Some even said that they are now second-guessing their top choice because of all the colleges they talked to.
When junior Grace Soete was asked, “Was your top choice college at the college fair, and if so, what school was it,” she replied with, “Yes, Truman was there, but the representative from UCM made [their school] sound really good.”
Junior Desiree Strehlau, was asked the same question. She said, “I am very interested in Ball State University because they offered Biology, Pre-Vet, and Zoology.”
The attendees stated they highly recommend this college fair to underclassmen.
Kamryn Poe, junior, said, “I would recommend going to the college fair 100%. It was a good experience and opened my eyes to new colleges. I thought I was dead set on one certain college, but now more opportunities are available. It was a great experience.”
First impressions are very important, especially when searching for colleges. When Mr. Peirick was asked “Did you feel our students represented New Haven well,” he answered with, “Yes, our students were the best-dressed at the event. All of our students were dressed in business casual attire. They were also very well-behaved and respectful to everyone there.”
Kamryn Poe also said, “I was complimented on how professional and eager I was to be there. I looked like I really wanted to find a college. Which I did!”
Mr. Peirick also shared some advice for students in their search for the perfect college. He said, “Any student that is looking to go to college really needs to find the college that is right for them. There are many things that should go into choosing a college: Is it too big or small, is it too far or too close to home, can I get involved in organizations if I want to, what types of social activities are available, can I afford that particular college or do I need to choose a different route to get my degree, and the most important thing is to make sure they have the major available at their college of choice.”