This year's Conference Choir was on Tuesday, February 13th, at Owensville High School and Hermann High School. The New Haven students that are performing in the choir are Miranda Durbin, Britany Willimann, Cassandra and Angela Kuhlmann, Abbigale and Devin Buchheit, Savanna Hanna, Kamryn Poe, Makayla Jackson, Rylan Ball, Mason Johnson, Russell Pinnell, and Josh Kleinheider. These students were picked by New Haven choir director Mrs. Katherine Taylor.
The choir had a rehearsal day on Saturday, February 10th, at Union High School. The rehearsal day was to have all the students selected for the Conference Choir get together and practice their songs as a group.
“What I probably liked most was hearing everyone sing as a whole,” said Savanna Hanna. “Everyone did amazing and for it being my first time actually going to Conference Choir. It was a neat experience.”
On the day of the concert, the Conference Choir sang at Owensville High School first, then performed at Hermann High School.
“I really like performing at OHS. We got a standing ovation,” said Kamryn Poe.
The songs that the choir sang were “Come to the Music” (words and music by Joseph M. Martin); “Tshotsholoza (Go Forward)” (adapted by Jeffery L. Ames); “How Can I Keep from Singing” (music by Greg Gilpin); and “Peace, Like Welcome Rain” (by Mark Patterson).
Britany Willimann was asked what her favorite song was, and she replied, “‘Tshotsholoza’ because it really allowed you vocal freedom, and was upbeat and fun.”