In the seventh grade, Morgan Branson, Jay Elchiberger, Megan Holdmeyer, McKenzie Overschmidt, Gavin Frink, Caroline Klahn, and Keagan Huff were inducted. In the eighth grade, Levi Schroder and Christian Patterson were inducted.
Middle School English teacher Mrs. Julie Westermeyer is the National Junior Honor Society sponsor. When discussing the selection process, she stated, “At the end of first semester I check students’ grades. Students who have an average of 85% or higher in Social Studies, Science, Math, English, and Reading are then given a form to fill out. Once all of the forms are returned, the middle school faculty gets together and selects students based off their graders, extra curricular activities, and the character they display.”
Following the ceremony, the members of National Junior Honor Society invited all the new inductees and their families into the cafeteria for cookies and punch.
Congratulations to the new members on their wonderful achievement!
-by Molly Munsinger