Recently, a Google Form was sent to every student in each class at New Haven High. The goal of this form was to discover where students get their news from and what source is most common in our school.
From a list of given platforms, students could choose multiple answers or enter their own.
Forty-three students responded, and the most common news source, leading with 79.1%, is…
Fox 2 News and Instagram followed behind at 48.8%. Facebook came in fourth at 46.5%, and in fifth was CNN with 34.9%.
In the same poll, students were asked which platform they use most often for leisure and recreational use. Snapchat took the lead again with 60.5%, with both Facebook and Instagram in a distant second at 11.6%.
Students were also asked to predict which platform would be the most common in our school. A majority voted that Snapchat is the most popular, with Instagram falling far behind in second.
Lexi Oetterer, a junior participant, commented, “I think that Snapchat would be the most common in our school. Many people have it downloaded and use it every day, and since it offers access to stories from news channels, it’s easier for users to find news within the app.”
For those unfamiliar with Snapchat, the app features ‘stories,’ which are videos and photos that are visible to the public, or to a select audience chosen by the user.
Michelle Bahena, a senior who also completed the survey, mentioned, “[The most common is] Snapchat because it easily connects everyone, and it’s fun. Also, it has various purposes: communication, filters, news, polls, and video/picture.”
Many students said that Snapchat is an easy way to get in touch with their friends, access stories about many different topics, and is a quicker way to talk.
The internet has revolutionized our daily lives, and through the students of New Haven High, we are slowly coming closer to realizing how our world is truly a digitized world.