New Haven High School students are very excited for summer break. This year, school ends on May 15th, and it is a half day.
A recent survey was sent out to everybody, asking what they’re excited about for summer, their favorite part of summer, and their plans.
Freshman Dori McCarty answered with, “This summer my family and I are taking a vacation to Virginia. It isn't necessarily a vacation, my dad is a blacksmith and there is a blacksmith conference every two years in a different state. Two years ago it was in Utah and this year it is in Virginia.”
Senior Kenzie Bauer said she is excited for summer because she is going to “not have any stresses, to hopefully get tan, and to make memories with my friends!”
Cece Malone, junior, responded with, “I'm excited for getting a tan, conditioning for Cross Country, and sleeping in.”
Devin Buchheit, senior, said his favorite part of summer is “the time I get to spend with my friends and my family. I am going to be in boot camp, so I won’t be able to do that this summer, but I am going to be able to go and make new friends and see the world from the deck of a ship, the cockpit of a plane, or through the lens of a submarine.”
Junior Diana Ribera’s favorite part about summer is, “I like seeing the flowers. I know it sounds funny but I like seeing different flowers planted in gardens.”
Senior Emily Knoppe’s plans for summer are, “I plan on getting my learner’s permit, getting a job, and (hopefully) moving into my dorm at MSU!”
Junior Callie Weatherly responded with, “I actually plan to work-- some of my family and friends call me a workaholic. I am also going to attempt to teach myself ASL (American Sign Language) as well as continue my knowledge of German. I might even begin some small home improvement projects with my family. I won't just be working and learning over the break, I do plan to hang out with my boyfriend and my friends.”
Summer is not too far away. So, start making your plans!