A new office was installed for New Haven High School shortly after winter break. With the new office installed, students can now feel safer within the building. The construction of the office took approximately one month, beginning right after winter break and lasting until the end of January.
When asking Mr. Stutzman why the office was built, he responded, "The new office was built more for safety than anything else. With the new ‘man trap’, the only people who get into the building is who we let in. Previously, people could just walk in. Now, all exterior doors are locked and the only way past the office is to be ‘buzzed’ in by a secretary.”
The office has also united both the high school and middle school. With each secretary sitting mere feet away, they can easily communicate.
As stated by Mrs. Peggy Borcherding, “I believe that the new office has only improved on office efficiency. Since the middle school and high school offices are now in the same area, there is always someone monitoring the office.”
Mrs. Muir commented, “We are very blessed to have such beautiful, updated furniture. I personally appreciate the area where students can pick up printed papers or use the phone without having the extra traffic behind our work area.”
Mr. Stutzman, Mrs. Borcherding, and Mrs. Muir have all stated that they love the changes and would not alter anything about the new office space.