The first band to perform was the 5th grade band. The songs they played were “Banana Boat,” “Indigo Rock,” and “March Across the Seas.”
The next band was the elementary band from 6th grade. The songs they played were “Ode to Joy,” “Calypso Morning,” “Jamaican Holiday,” and “March for Peasant Cantata.”
After the elementary bands finished the middle school band performed. The songs the middle school played were “Aliens Landing,” “Aztec Dance,” and “Count Rockula.”
Freshman Ryan Blankenship commented that his favorite song that was played was “Aztec Dance because the sound of the song made me want to dance.”
The high school band performed to end the night. The songs the high school played were “Albemarle Fantasy,” “Sentinels,” and “Yankee Fanfare.” Senior Lindsey Nixon mentioned, “I’m glad this year is almost over, but I just realized this is my last concert and that makes me sad.”
When the concert was complete, Mrs. Taylor commented, “I think the night was a success, and it allowed me to enjoy directing band again.”
All in all, the spring concert for the elementary, middle, and high schools bands was success.
-Tim Pruessner