From February 5th to the 16th, National Honor Society (NHS) encouraged students to bring in food items for a food drive that would benefit the Buddy Bags Program. To encourage students even more, every item that was brought in was worth spirit points for their class. The preferred items were worth two points.
The Buddy Bags Program is an outreach ministry of the “More Than” youth group of the Memorial Baptist Church. This group provides students in the New Haven School District with needed food for the weekend.
A list of preferred items was hung around the school. That list included instant oatmeal packs, mini cereal boxes, breakfast bars, peanut butter on-the-go cups, Maruchan instant lunch cups, Chef Boyardee pasta bowls, Easy Mac macaroni and cheese cups, instant tuna and chicken salad kits, vegetable cups, fruit cups, applesauce cups, pudding cups, raisin boxes, individual-size bags of cheez-Its and animal crackers, peanut butter crackers, cheese and crackers, and granola bars.
The total items collected in these two weeks was 574 items! Great job! The senior class won the most spirit points, with 493 points! The sophomore class had the second most with 345 points! The freshmen had 156 points, and the junior class had 142 points. Good job to all four classes!
Mrs. Oelrichs, NHS sponsor, said, “We did not have a specific goal. We just wanted to encourage students to donate what they could.”
She continued: “The Buddy Bags Program specifically benefits students in our school district, so donating to this organization allows our students to directly help their classmates.
Good job, NHS, for another successful food drive! Thank you, NHHS, for all of the food items you donated! For more information about the Buddy Bags Program, visit