The Spring concert featuring bands and choirs took place Tuesday, May 3rd and Thursday, May 5th.
The 5th grade band performed “March Across the Sea” and “Indigo Rock” before the 5th grade band awards. After awards, “Banana Boat Song” was the last piece before the conclusion of their performance.
After the 5th grade band, the 6th grade band came up to perform. They played “Jamaican Holiday” and “March from Peasant Cantata.” Some of the 6th grade band members were recognized and received band awards, and then they performed “Calypso Morning.”
The middle school band performed “Funkytown,” “Ancient Echos,” and “Agressivo.” The band previously performed the last two songs at the districts and received an outstanding 1 rating. Some band members were recognized in their band awards.
As a conclusion to the band concert, the high school band presented “Night at the Movies.” The songs included in this part of the concert were “Pirates of the Caribbean,” “Jurassic Park,” and “The Incredibles.” Some of the band members were recognized for their hard work in obtaining a letter for which they exceeded requirements for band. Other members were recognized for being a conference band member, a district band member, a district festival participant, and a state festival participant (the only state participant was Keven McDowell). Seniors gave a speech in which they thanked Mrs. Koch for all her hard work and proclaimed how excited they were to have a band teacher like Mrs. Koch.
Ereka Bailey, a senior in the band, “It was a weird experience standing there and looking at everyone who supported me throughout my eight years while I was a part of the band program. Standing before everyone really gave me a taste of how fast the year is ending. It was the last time being a part of the band, and it really made me sad. I’m going to miss Mrs. Koch and the band.”
The final song to the concert was “The Tempest” in which all members of band join and played the song.
Kimmy McDowell, a sophomore clarinet player, states, “The best part of the concert, in my opinion, was the master blaster song. The last song had so much power, and it just sounded cool all together. And that’s when I noticed most of the senior parents beginning to cry.”
On Thursday, May 5th, the high school, middle school, and elementary choirs performed.
Those who participated in the District Choir performed the song “Children Will Listen.”
The elementary choir performed the songs “Come with me on the Horses,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Mo Li Hua,” and “Kokoleoko.”
The 7th grade choir performed the song “Chariots Comin.”The 8th grade choir performed the song “Skye Boat.” The middle school choir performed “Somewhere over the Rainbow” and “Budapest.”
The Chamber Choir performed two songs; they sang “900 Miles” and “In the Dark of Midnight.”
The high school Mixed Chorus sang “Kyrie,” “Ordinary Miracles,” and “Medley of Queen.”
Carolyn Allgaier, a junior member of the choir, states “I think we did well. Everyone loved the ‘Medley of Queen.’ No matter if we sang a wrong note, everyone seemed to enjoy the songs. Who doesn’t love Queen?”
The concert, in everyone’s eyes, was a success.