By: Katelyn Dittberner
New Haven Middle School volleyball practice started about three weeks ago, on Monday, January 29th. Even after missing one practice due to scheduling, the 7th grade girls (Madison McCarty, Tressa Carver, MIkayla McFerrin, Jarlin Alvarez, Kaitlyn Jones, Ava Oelrichs, Kelsey Brumels, Jessica Underwood, Izzy Hale, Aaliyah Bates, Tessa Schweich, and Maci Christian) have all been doing a great job! Everyone has been really good with cheering on all the girls and making everyone feel like a team. The 7th grade team members think the 8th grade girls are nice to have at the practices, to help them understand plays and drills.
So far waking up at 5 am on Wednesdays hasn't been the worst, I honestly think those practices are more fun because we have both nets so we don't have to wait an hour for the eighth grade to be done with practice.
With our first game in Washington on Feb. 22 coming soon, we have a lot of work to do. Just enough though to be able to win. We all have our strengths that keep us looking good because every girl has a strength that another doesn’t, which we are taking to our advantage.
Wish us luck next week!