By Ashlyn Beckmann (7th Grade)
Once upon a time, there was a land within a book. To get in, one had to open the book called The Neverending Story and wish to be there. Then, that person would get sucked into the book.
This land was filled with strange, magical creatures. The land was ruled by The Child of Indonesia. There was also an evil queen and her castle was shaped like a hand. When someone went past it, the hand shot out lasers to try to kill the passerby.
Ashlyn and Will started exploring the city. Then, a screen popped up, and a speaker informed them that The Child of Indonesia was in danger. It was Ash’s and Will’s duty to save her from the evil queen.
The queen said, “You think you think you can save her, huh? Let’s see if you can beat me!”
A fierce laughter came out of the queen. Out of nowhere, giant evil creatures came out of the ground. They had razor sharp teeth and blades for hands. Will and Ashlyn ran for their life. A magical dog-like, fluffy creature flew out of nowhere. Ashlyn and Will saw it.
The dog said, “Hop on,” so they did.
His name was Alexander. They flew away towards a mountain range to hide from the evil queen--for now. But once they got there, they thought they heard something. They turned around, and they saw the rocky mountain move.
It was a rock giant; his name was Firerock. He could build anything out of rocks just by thinking of it. He ate lava rocks to get stronger. Will, Ashlyn, and Alexander stayed with Firerock for the night. In the morning, the three of them continued the journey to the evil queen’s castle. They were on their way, when, out of nowhere, an evil devil dragon chased them. Alexander was flying as fast as he could.
The devil dragon shot out a laser fireball, and it hit poor Alexander. Down, down, down, he went, and he landed right by the queen’s castle.
Luckily, they landed behind a rock wall made by Firerock. The laser gun on the castle kept shooting, and the rock wall was demolished. The laser hit Alexander. His ear was hit; he had cuts and bruzies everywhere, and he fractured all of his bones.
His last words were weekly said, “that amulet is powerful, and it can protect you from anything; if you put the amulet on the queen’s crown, she will die.” Then sadly, he died. Ashlyn and Will were frozen with sadness for several moments.
Then, they entered the castle. There were two evil giants guarding it. Ash and Will hid behind a rock ledge. At the same time, they both said, “I wish we had something to throw at the evil giants!”
Bombs on wheels, called wigi-bombs, suddenly arrived. Will and Ash threw them at the giants; the bombs and giants both exploded. The duo entered the castle--finally.
They found a strange, old, and mysterious staircase. It led to the queen’s throne room. Inside was a big red spiderweb claw-like throne. It slowly spun around. The queen turned to face them. She had no face while sitting, but when she stood up, her face appeared. Her dress was red and black. Her crown was a replica of her throne, with a circle in the middle of the crown.
Will tried to place the amulet on her crown. Unfortunately, she then turned into a devil-like creature. The amulet started glowing. The amulet shot out a powerful feeling onto Ashlyn and Will. Ashlyn got this cold icy feeling; she started to feel weak, and then she slowly regained her strength, in the end feeling more powerful than ever before. Ashlyn put out her hands and froze the queen; she was shocked with this newfound power. Will was starting to feel hot, sweaty, and weak; he dropped to the ground like he was going to pass out.
In amazement, Will stuck out his hands and he throw a flaming fireball. The fireball melted the ice, the queen turned to ashes, and she died. With the powers of ice and fire, Will and Ash will live forever.
When the queen died, all the giants vanished. Unfortunately, there was no way for Will and Ash to get home. The amulet had lost its power when the Queen died. They were stuck in Bookland forever.