Every year, the citizens of New Haven elect new school board members. This year, there were three candidates: Leanne Bauer, Michelle (Guehne) Otten, and Tim Schuck. The election was on April 2nd.
According to election results, Michelle Otten and Leanne Bauer were each elected to 3-year terms on the board. Both new members were interviewed and asked questions that came directly from the NHHS community. Mrs. Otten’s responses are outlined below in order to give her a chance to speak to the community directly and to offer New Haven a better understanding of what she is all about.
Q: Why did you run for the New Haven School Board of Education?
A: I am a current School Board Member once again. New Haven has provided my children with an amazing education and I wanted to give back to the district, so when the opportunity arose last year to serve, I was eager to step in.
Q: Tell us about yourself: Where did you grow up? Do you have family? What community activities have you previously been involved in? What ties do you have to this school district?
A: I lived in several states growing up and was often the new kid at school, but I spent the majority of my middle school and high school years living in Northern Indiana. Our family has lived in the district for the past 12 years. My husband, Luke, and I have two daughters. Morgan will begin middle school next year and Alivia will be a 4th grader. Both of our girls are very active in many activities throughout the year with our church youth group, Girls on the Run, basketball, volleyball, and spring running club. I am a current New Haven School Board Member, a current American Legion Auxiliary Member, and I have had the pleasure of serving on the New Haven Youth League in years past. I am also a current member of the National Association of Realtors and Franklin County Board of Realtors where I served for many years on the Legislative and Grievance Committees. I am a current school board member raising two children who attend the district and also a taxpayer in the district for many years.
Q: What is the purpose of the School Board and what do they do?
A: [The purpose is] to be leaders and champions for public education in our states and community! [It also] employs the superintendent; [develops and adopts] policies, curriculum, and budget; and [oversees] facilities issues.
Q: Why do you feel you’re a good candidate for the school board and do you have experience with this sort of position?
A: I was appointed to the New Haven School Board of Education in 2018. I have been a proud part of this district for many years as a parent, volunteer, and board member. I love kids and will work hard every single day to make sure they are given the best educational experience possible.
Q: What is the biggest strength of our school district?
A: I think the biggest strength of our school district is our incredible staff and supportive community. Everyone working together to maintain our “Tradition of Excellence” that has been passed down for generations.
Q: What is your vision for the future of the New Haven School District?
A: My vision for the future of our school district would be to keep a productive and safe learning environment for our children while continuing to work with teachers and administrators to maintain and improve our high standards.