This year, FCA has organized a drive where each class is told the age of a child in need, and given a list of items the child wants. Once the items have been collected, FCA will wrap the presents for the kids, and they will be given to those families.
In the past, FCA members generously made a $200 donation to the Friendship Plate, where members also volunteer their time. Aside from this, FCA members also volunteer their time by standing outside local grocery stores to raise money for the Salvation Army.
FCA sponsor Renee Laune stated, "I am so proud of students and their dedication to our community. They always step up and help out our town and the people who need it the most. I simply have to ask for help and volunteers, and I always have students that rise to the challenge that is placed before them. Our students are perfect examples of how students can serve our community with their time and talents."
This fundraising started up when FCA member Lauren Gerlemann brought the idea to the FCA officers.
Lauren stated, “FCA is always giving to the community, and I think this is a great way to extend what this organization is all about. With winter time right around the corner, some kids are going to need clothing to keep them warm, and I think this is a perfect task for FCA.”