On Friday, May 4th, the New Haven 8th graders went to the Four Rivers Career Center in Washington, Missouri. The went there to learn about classes for future career building skills that the center teaches to students who are Juniors and Seniors in high school. They got there by riding the bus with Mrs. Roth and Mrs. Anderson.
Several classrooms and shops were visited by the students, who were led in the tour by students from the Career Center. The 8th graders could have seen people working on a new pavilion for the Clearview Elementary school. They could have seen a contest that the Building Construction Class competed in and won. They could also have learned about options of getting into future career classes.
The career resources also provides valuable assistance to students who have disabilities by providing them assistance in making the transition to career and technical programs. The 8th graders learned about what requirements they would need in order to take classes for future careers. At the end of the visit, many expressed interest in participating in the classes they had learned about at the Career Center.