On September 3rd at Noon, the annual monthly meeting of New Haven’s Chamber of Commerce was held in Pavilion 3 right outside the high school. The leader of the meeting was Steve Roth, who is the president of the Chamber. Roth discussed the new Highway 100 banners, the upcoming Balloon Fest, some Visitor Center updates, the Adopt-A-Highway program, and the October Business After Hours. The meeting was adjourned at 12:59 pm.
The Balloon Fest was the second topic on the agenda.The parade will be held in less than 3 weeks. On September 25-26, there will be community vendors such as Town & Country, Lumens, the high school Student Council, and the elementary school. Pepsi will not have a tent this year, but they will be there to do the wagon course. There will be new additions, such as having two lines this year for popcorn and soda to make things easily accessible. The Chamber had no expenses for advertising this year. The route for the parade will begin at the elementary school, and the route will end in the high school driveway. The floats will be placed in the parking area. The people of the town have fun every year during this special festivity; let’s keep that tradition going!
Mark your calendars for the following events:
On September 12th, the Franklin County Humane Society will be in town. There will be an outdoor Schmitt's & Crims around 7:00 pm The event starts at 5:00 pm.
October 9th, The Little Closet is hosting a Witches Brew (All Girls Night!).
Thursday, October 22nd, there will be Business After Hours. The Chamber will come together to help host the wineries and restaurants around town.
The Chamber is looking for volunteers to help clean up after each event.
If you are interested in more news regarding the Chamber of Commerce, feel free to “like” their Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/newhavenmochamber.