Along with the students, there were also two teacher teams, Old But Not Yet Dead and New Kids on the Block. Old But Not Yet Dead featured teachers Mrs. Schwab, Mr. Hagedorn, Mrs. Oelrichs, Mrs. Strickland, and Mr. Viehland. New Kids on the Block featured Mr. A. Peirick, Mr. Gortney, Mr. Pruessner, Ms. Allen, and Mrs. Miller. While Old But Not Yet Dead got out early, New Kids on the Block placed 4th in the tournament.
For those that weren’t interested in dodgeball, there was also trivia to do. Each class got a packet, and the one that got the most questions right earned spirit points. The Sophomores answered the most questions right. Sophomore Anna Miller had this to say about the trivia: “Yeah, dodgeball isn’t really my thing, but I excel at the trivia, so that’s what I look forward to during dodgeball tournaments.” Some of the questions involved categories such as 2014 events, events in New Haven history, slogans, and even questions about the teachers. Some of the teacher questions included “This teacher grew up on cattle ranch, and their middle name is Fern,” “This teacher majored in Foreign Language and hates mashed potatoes,” and “This SMS graduate loves eating bratwurst with sauerkraut, cheering on the Memphis Grizzlies, watching Super Troopers, and listening to Country Grammar by Nelly.”
Every team member had to pay two dollars to participate in the tournament. STUCO raised 200 dollars that went to the Special Olympics in Missouri.
All in all, students enjoyed themselves during the dodgeball tournament. “It’s one of my favorite things about high school,” says Alex Majors. “It’s something that I love to do.”
-by Robbie Cichon