Join me as we take a spooky trip in a thrilling countdown of the scariest, creepiest Halloween movies out there. For Halloween, I will be presenting to you a horror movie that you might not have heard of before, opening your mind and helping you get into the spirit of Halloween.
In Nebraska lays a small town of Gatlin. In town, a boy preacher named Isaac, played by John Franklin, gets children to start murdering all the adults in the town. When a young couple, Burt and Vicky, played by Peter Horton and Linda Hamilton, come to the deserted town to report a murder they witnessed, they soon have their own crises to solve when the kids trap them in.
Children of the Corn has an amazing atmosphere and captures the isolated town of Gatlin perfectly. The chanting of the children will make you want to stray away from any deserted towns that have corn fields. This movie is a must-watch, especially on this spooky night! Happy Halloween!
Rotten Tomatoes: 38%
Where Can You Find It: Walmart, Target, YouTube, iTunes, Amazon, Google Play
Rating: R
Safe for Families? There is violence, frightening scenes, and profanity used in this movie that might scare children.
Running Length: 1 hr 32 mins
Genre: Thriller/Cult/Horror