On October 1st, the Chamber of Commerce had their annual meeting at noon. Steve Roth brought in a speaker from Basy’s Processing Company, Kerry Robinson. Ms. Robinson gave a presentation over new chips on credit cards to explain what they are and what they can do for you.
The chip is a feature on modern credit cards that is a new way of “swiping” your card. The chip is inserted into a slot in the credit card machine at the end of grocery store terminals. There are three ways that the card can be used at a grocery store, or any other location that you may be swiping your card at. EMV stands for EuroPay, Mastercard and Visa since they were the first card companies with a chip. The three options are called EMV’s and they are contact, contactless, and mobile.
EMVCo Mobile is also known as “The Next Generation” because more and more people these days rely on online shopping and using their phones on a daily basis. Mobile EMVs make it easier to buy things from your phone in a safer way. Instead of people being able to rub against your phone and steal your money, there is a password requirement that locks your account after every use. As time goes by, mobile banking is growing in popularity which means that safety is more of an issue than it was before. Because of the fact that EMVs are now mobile, users should feel safer in having their bank accounts on their mobile devices; especially if they are using iPay or GooglePay.
Lastly, EMVs can be Contactless which doesn’t require the user to have the card directly on them. Contactless and Mobile EMVs are somewhat alike because they use the same technology while the card isn’t around. Whether you are using Mobile or Contactless EMVs, the name doesn’t differentiate the way anyone can pay for their belongings.
EMVs are a much more reliable and safer way to pay for anything and everything. Whether people choose to use Mobile, Contact, or Contactless, their money is secured better than before.
EMVs weren’t the only thing that the Chamber discussed. During the meeting, the commerce went over the success of the Balloon Fest as well as the Downtown After Hours event. The Chamber also spoke about how great the new Highway 100 banners look around town and they mentioned that they have gotten positive feedback from the community.
In the next meeting, the Chamber of Commerce plans on going more in depth in discussion about the upcoming annual event, Firefest. The Chamber of Commerce for New Haven has been doing a great job and is spending their money wisely. Keep it up, New Haven Commerce!