When asked a few days beforehand how they felt about taking the ACT, most of the juniors had the same response: Abby Perdue explained, “I feel very nervous. I know that I'll be able to do well, but not as well as I know I can because this is my first time taking it.”
However, there were some students who were extremely optimistic or extremely nervous. For example, Brooke Bockting stated, “ I am as cool as the cucumber.” While, Maddie Fleer had the opposite response, “ I am on the verge of a stressed breakdown--too much stuff going on.”
The test took about four and a half hours--beginning at 8:00 a.m. and ending at about 12:30 p.m. The test was broken into five timed sections and given in the following order: English, math, reading, science, and lastly, writing.
Throughout the year, the juniors were prepped for the test. Teachers gave them practice questions, strategy tips, and even practice tests.
After they had taken the test, the juniors were drained. For many of the juniors, it didn’t hit them until the middle of fourth hour, and then they began frequently spacing out.
Andrew Menke explained, “I think it was rough, but I like challenges, and I think everyone should try it at least once.”
When asked if they had any tips for the sophomores, the majority of the junior class had the same few pieces of advice: “Take the practice ACTs that you are given in class seriously because in the end, they do help. Also, don't feel nervous about it because you will do just fine.” warned Jenny Alvarez. Abby Perdue pointed out, “Well, since they won't have Mrs. Schwab to get some really good skills from, ask the juniors (from this year) for some tips. The tips she gave us really helped me manage my time in all of the sections.”
Overall, it was a nerve-racking and exhausting day, and now they begin the wait for their scores.
-Risa Allen