New Haven High School’s child development class took their annual field trip to Mercy Hospital in Washington, Missouri, on November 5th. The students who went included McKenzie Overschmidt, Paige Remillard, Adrian McDaris, Jenna Haeffner, Keerstin Mason, Autumn Harvey, Vanessa Vallejo, Haleigh Nicholas, Brande Kubiak, Chloe Kearney, and Savanna Hanna.
“While on the trip, we see an obstetrician, pediatrician, and we get a tour of the labor and delivery floor. I took 11 students from my class this year,” said Mrs. Miller when asked what they did this year on the trip.
When the students were asked if they enjoyed the trip, all of them said they did. Savanna Hanna, junior, stated, “I did enjoy the trip.”
The students seemed to have many favorites about the trip, one student stating, “My favorite thing about the trip was seeing three babies getting tested when we came out of one of the rooms.”
Many people say that field trips can give students extra enrichment in classes. When asked if the field trip was a good chance for extra enrichment in the child development class, Savanna Hanna commented, “I believe that this is beneficial for the child development class, and any other child development class. This gives you a lot more information and gives you an ‘insight’, or a sneak peek, I guess you could say, of what the future has to come. Being able to actually see it instead of just talking about it in a classroom really helps out with learning. It's also just a super fun way to learn more things.”
When questioned if any of the students who attended would recommend the trip or go again, everyone said they definitely would, with Savanna Hanna, junior, stating, “I would recommend going on this trip. It's a really fun experience and you learn a lot of things.”
It seems this field trip has a positive impact on many students, with all the students asked saying they really enjoyed it and that they learned a lot from it. Can’t wait to see what next year’s child development class has to say!