What is anime? Anime is a style of Japanese animation that is targeted at children as well as adults. Anime consists of TV shows and movies. There are many fans of anime at New Haven High School; their favorite shows and characters are explained down below.
Dori McCarty, sophomore, is a big fan of the show “Hetalia”. When asked why “Hetalia” was her favorite anime, Dori explained, “It is about the countries of the world but personified as guys and girls who have very stereotypical qualities relating to their respective country. [For example,] America loves Coke and McDonald’s, Britain loves tea, Germany is strict, Italy loves pasta, etc.”
According to Dori, her favorite character is France, also known as Francis Bonnefoy from “Hetalia”. She continued by saying, “He is very flamboyant and all about love. He loves fashion and is willing to love anyone as long as they are a good person. Plus his French accent.”
Bernabe Ribera, junior, is a fan of the show “Naruto Shippuden”. He further explained, “I like the jokes and the story line.” “Naruto Shippuden” follows a young ninja named Naruto on his quest to become the Hokage. This is the second series of “Naruto”.
Bernabe said that his favorite character is Naruto Uzumaki. When asked to explain, he commented, “He's always so positive and he never gives up.”
Grace Allgaier, junior, loves “Attack on Titan”. She commented, “It was the first anime that I watched.” “Attack on Titan” is about a character named Eren Yeager who lives with his adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman and best friend Armin Arlert. They live in the town of Shiganshina, which is adjacent to Wall Maria, the outermost of three circular walls protecting humanity from Titans.
Grace’s favorite character is Armin Arlert. Grace further commented, “He may seem weak, but he is able to make up for that because he is insanely smart and brave.”
Cassie Kuhlmann, sophomore, is partial to the anime “Fairy Tail”. She mentioned, “It is full of magic and is set in a fantasy world. “Fairy Tail” is about a girl named Lucy Heartfilia, who is an expert magician. She wants to join the guild named “Fairy Tail”.
Cassie explained that her favorite character is Erza Scarlet. When asked why, she said, “She can be scary most of the time, but has had a rough past and bottles it up. She must tell the truth about her past before facing it. Also, Jellal [another ‘Fairy Tail’ character]!”
Many people like anime for different reasons. Dori McCarty watches anime because there is something for everyone to enjoy, and there is always a creative storyline. Bernabe Ribera likes the plot of the shows. He also likes the suspense when watching. Grace Allgaier likes that it can be a creative outlet. Cassie Kuhlmann enjoys the storyline, graphics, and the different genres and styles that there are.
Seems like we have some New Haven students who are fans of anime. Anime is about enjoyment, so have fun watching it, New Haven!