With the school year coming to an end, seniors are deciding on if they want to attend college, and then what colleges to pick and how they are going to handle it financially. Scholarships are one of the ways that can really help out a student. They are given out based on different criteria and typically reflect what the donor or the foundation values.
Scholarships can be a tricky thing to approach. So, that said, the senior class was sent a questionnaire on the importance of scholarships, tips for recommendation letters, how to make filling them out go more quickly, and any tips in general.
Regarding the importance of scholarships, Kamryn Poe said, “Applying for scholarships is really important. It is free money you receive to help achieve your goals in life. [Applying] may seem scary and you may think you won't get it, but I strongly encourage you to fill them out anyway. You may be surprised by what you can get for certain degrees.”
When Lexi Oetterer was asked if she had any tips for recommendation letters, she responded with, “I would ask teachers that you have the best relationship with. Make sure the teacher likes you, and make sure that you are a good student. Teachers will most likely be more willing to write one for you.”
Alex Trentmann suggests that you “ask somebody who knows what you are capable of and how diligently you work.”
If you want to make filling out scholarships go quicker, Elsie McNabb suggests that you “be honest. Remember the questions and see if any [later scholarships] are similar, because if they are, it'll be easier and quicker.”
As a general tip, Mikayla Maloney says that you should “make sure to always be yourself-- do not lie about your accomplishments or anything.”
Joseph Rethemeyer commented with, “Show the scholarship committees who you are with your writing-- don't just tell them.”
Thank you, seniors, for all these tips and good luck to anybody filling out future scholarships!