The Tradition of Excellence “Challenge” Scholarship is a new scholarship created for New Haven High School by Top Gun Storage Solutions, a self-storage facility in town. The scholarship is for graduating seniors who are working towards a degree in a field of Science, Technology, Math, or Business.
The scholarship will give $500 the first year, or $250 a semester, to the winner. Top Gun Storage Solutions (TGSS) is planning to increase the amount as TGSS grows, or as other business interest increases. The total scholarship amount will be determined by May 15 each year to allow the most participation from other businesses.
According to TGSS, a winner and a runner-up will be selected for the scholarship. The runner-up can receive the scholarship if the winner elects not to go to school or drops out. If the winner is unable to fulfill the requirements of the scholarship, only then will the runner-up be notified.
TGSS also shared that the challenge is for the student as well as “local businesses, private citizens, or alumni to add/match/challenge each other by increasing the scholarship amount.” The challenge is meant to replicate how New Haven students are constantly being challenged by the school’s administration.
If you are interested, applications for the new scholarship will be available in Mr. Peirick’s office. They must be turned in by April 7. Applicants will be asked questions about what college they are going to and what type of career they are going into.