Kallie Stubblefield, senior at New Haven High School, is making a video for TV/Video to submit to Elks Drug Awareness Program (DAP). The theme is called “What Heroes Do,” and the video will explain how drugs can affect a person’s life and even the people around them.
Kallie was asked what concept she was working with, and she said, “Currently, I think I'm going to make a video mostly from the main character's perspective to portray the main character's memories. I also like the idea of showing the main character's progression through life from when she starts to take the ‘drug’ to when she stops using the ‘drug.’”
Kallie continued: “If taken and edited well, the video should effectively convey the dangers of using drugs from a drug taker's point of view. It should also effectively show how only one person in our lives can make a big impact on our future and health.”
She was questioned why she wanted to make these choices, and she responded with, “I've decided to use these ideas because they allow the viewer to walk around in a drug user's shoes. Furthermore, shooting the video from the main character's perspective allows the viewer to feel more empathy for the main character.”
The judges will be looking for how closely the video adheres to the theme, its overall neatness, originality, age and language appropriateness, overall quality of the video, and the right message to the people.
The local Elks Lodge will select the top videos, and then notify the winners. If Kallie’s video wins, it will be moved on to the district competition. The district winners will then be moved on to a state-level competition. All the winning videos at this level will then be submitted to the chairman, who will choose an overall winner to submit to a national competition.
According to Kallie, she has found some actresses and actors for her video. We hope that the video goes well, Kallie! Good luck!