On April 2, 2019, the juniors who signed up for it took the ACT. Each junior had to take 4 tests: English, math, reading, and science.
From the beginning of the year, the ACT was a very anticipated event in the junior class. Everyone was nervous to take the ACT, because the thought of a government-mandated, timed test which is very hard to get a perfect score on was scary.
Juniors were asked how they prepared for the ACT.
Destiny Lafferty said, “I prepared by trying to get enough sleep the night before as well as eat a good breakfast.”
Lexy Sidwell mentioned, “I prepared by taking the practice ACT, and I watched a lot of videos on test-taking skills.”
When asked if they were nervous for the ACT, everyone said that they were nervous to take the test.
McKenzie Overschmidt stated, “Yeah, because it is a big test and the questions are really hard.”
When asked what test they were most nervous for, John Hughes said, “Math, because working it all out would take a lot of the time.”
Grace Allgaier added, “I was most nervous for the math test because I'm not the best at math. And most of the questions I got during practice were hard and things I didn't really understand.”
When asked how they felt they did on the test, Destiny Lafferty said, “I feel that I did [well] on the English and math tests and did okay on the reading and science tests.”
Lexy Sidwell also said, “I do not think I did very well on this ACT. I ran out of time on three of the tests, and I feel like on the reading portion I guessed on 80% of it.”
It’s clear that the ACT makes stress levels high in all juniors. ACT scores will be released in 3-8 weeks.