On November 7th, FBLA members participated in drive-by-raking. Drive-by-raking is a community service for FBLA members. During drive-by-raking, members go around in groups and rake the yards of New Haven citizens.
There was a total of six groups of members that participated in this. Each group raked two to three yards. The members would rake and gather the leaves, then take them to the lumber yard in New Haven. After a group was done with their yards, they went and helped other groups until every yard was raked.
Mrs. Anderson, the supervisor for FBLA, said, “I’ve been doing it for three years. However, FBLA has participated for a number of years before me. I’m just continuing it.”
Mrs. Anderson was asked what her favorite part of drive-by-raking is. She responded, “One of my favorite things is that it allows students to participate with other students they normally don’t interact with. Like seniors working with freshmen. I also think that any community service a student can do gives them a sense of pride.”
When asked what their favorite part of drive-by-raking was, Daniel Huff, sophomore FBLA member, said, “My favorite part is helping people and doing good things for the community.”
Matthew Otten, another FBLA member, was asked if he had any suggestions for teenagers who might participate in drive-by-raking in the future. He said, “Put all of your heart into it. Don’t just go half way.”
Keep raking, FBLA!