Underage drinking and the usage of drugs is a major problem everywhere in our world today. Many teen deaths happen due to underage drinking and drug abuse. Teens can die from driving under the influence, alcohol poisoning, overdosing, etc. Even in a small town like New Haven, there are problems with alcohol and drugs.
“I really do not feel that Drug and Alcohol awareness has changed positively or negatively,” said Mrs. Mandy Koch. “I feel that it is much more dominant in today's world than it has been in the past… especially among adolescents.”
According to Michelle Castillo, in the United States, 78% of teens have drank alcohol before, and 47% of that number have consumed twelve or more drinks in the last year. Also, 81% of teens in the U.S. have been offered drugs, and of that number, 42.5% have actually taken drugs.
The same researcher also asserts that the average age that teens start drinking alcohol is 14 years old, and the average age teens start abusing drugs is 15 years old.
“I think that discussing alcohol and drug use is necessary for many reasons,” said Mrs. Katie Borcherding. “Aside from addressing the dangers of driving under the influence students also need to be aware that just being in possession of illegal substances can affect them down the road. If charged with an MIP students can lose scholarships, be suspended from athletics and other extracurriculars, and be left with a negative mark on their record that can affect employment.”
Source: Castillo, Michelle. “Survey Reveals Shocking Levels of Teen Drinking, Drug Abuse.” CBS News, CBS Interactive, 3 Apr. 2012. www.cbsnews.com/news/survey-reveals-shocking-levels-of-teen-drinking-drug-abuse/